Thursday, February 14, 2013

Last Vday Before Dday

So it's our last Vday before Dday and the only Vday we're actually celebrating in our 6 year relationship.

I already gave Baby Daddy a gift, which he wasn't expecting, and we're doing the typical Vday dinner at our favorite Japanese steakhouse. Hopefully the baby doesn't decide to come and crash our party!

I see everyone and their uncle posting Facebook statuses about Valentine's Day today. The taken folks are professing their love (via Facebook status of course, SO romantic) to their significant others and the single folks are complaining about how love shouldn't be showed on only one day out of the year, Vday is overrated, etc, etc. Typical, typical. We get it, no need to post either or in my opinion. Vday is Vday and it isn't going away... And neither is your annoying-ness. 

I on the other hand shared a cute little story in my status today. This morning on our way to work, Baby Daddy and I saw a young boy (probably junior high level) walking to his school bus stop wearing basketball shorts, a red cutoff T-shirt and a red neck tie. All while holding 2 bouquets of red roses. It was pretty cute but then I reminded myself that he's holding 2 bouquets. I guess they start young nowadays, play on playa.

I have a baby check-up appointment today to make sure everything is going good for baby and me then Baby Daddy and I will go pig out. I can't think of a better way to spend Vday... Well actually I could. It'd be much better with a fat bottle of wine, but soon enough young grasshopper, soon enough.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A New Meaning to March Madness

It just dawned on me that it's almost March. I can't believe it! March Madness is my favorite time of the year, I've been so wrapped up in uber important life changes I almost forgot how close we are to the Big Dance!

This time last year I was having the time of my life! I'm a huge University of Kentucky fan and as you probably know they KILLED it last year and won the National Championship. 

I was watching the game at a bar here in Seattle filled with Kansas fans (Really, in Seattle? Where did you come from?) I was a smidge tipsy and thought it'd be a great idea to purchase "Wildcat Shots" for random Kansas fans sitting on the other side of the bar as they watched their beloved team lose. The Wildcat Shots consisted of whiskey (a Kentucky fave) and blue food coloring - it was super creative and tasty. NOT. It was disgusting but as we were on our way to victory in the 4th quarter it's all I drank the rest of the night. Bad idea, but worth it for a big UK National Championship win! 

It was awesome being 1 of the 10-15 UK fans in that bar watching as The Brow, Kidd-Gilchrist, Lamb, Knight, Jones and the rest of the Cats dominated the huge Edward Cullen look-a-like. I met two old men there sporting Kentucky gear. They both went to the University of Kentucky in the 40's or 50's (I don't recall, I was about 3 Wildcat Shots in at this point) together and were roommates. One of them moved to Seattle and the other still lives in Kentucky to this day but they've remained BFFs throughout the years. It was awesome to meet them and see their undying love for UK basketball.

Image Courtesy of

I bleed blue no matter what, I'm no fair-weathered bandwagon fan. I love UK ALL THE TIME (which is why I'm excited that Seattle may or may not be purchasing the Sacramento Kings and bringing DeMarcus Cousins to Seattle. Eeeek!) But this year may end up a little differently. There will definitely be less booze (let's be real, probably none at all) and I may be a bit too tired to catch every single game. But damn it I'm going to try! At least enough to follow my bracket, which I haven't made any money on since the 2005 tournament when UNC won - thanks MW! :)

But this March a whole new level of madness will be added to my life, my little baby boy. He should be arriving the first week (possibly sooner) and you bet your ass he'll be donning some UK gear to cheer on the Cats with his momma!

At least this year I won't have to keep up on all the games at work. I typically use ESPN's Gamecast to "watch" them and end up yelling out loud at my desk... I'm not fooling anyone. I've gotten to the point where I don't even try to hide it every March. But this year I'll be home, and can hopefully catch the games between baby feedings, changings, bathings etc. We'll see how that works out. 


Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentine's Day, Shmalentine's Day.

Baby Daddy and I usually don't put too much emphasis on Valentine's Day - it's kind of stupid and really only important to couples who are just starting out their relationship. Then after a a few years you realize how un-important V-Day is compared to your anniversary, each others birthdays, Christmas, etc. 

Image courtesy of
We tell and show each other we love each other (almost) everyday, Valentine's Day is nothing special. However, given this is the "last Valentine's Day" that will be just us two we're actually celebrating for once. I told Baby Daddy I want to go out on one last romantic date, just the two of us, before baby gets here and it just so happens Valentine's Day is one of the last days it will be just us two so we're taking advantage of the hype. 

We're going to our favorite Japanese steakhouse for dinner and we were thinking of going to a movie too, but we don't want to be too ambitious. By the time we're done eating we're typically both too full to function and do anything other than take our pants off and go home to bed. I did get him a gift though, which we never do. But I want to show him how much I appreciate everything he's done the last 9 months, cooking and cleaning for me, pretty much moving us into our new house all by himself (and his amazing brother who helped with the move among other things these past few months) and unpacking/setting up furniture AND painting and setting up the baby's nursery. Phew! The guy has really done everything so I'm getting him a professional massage to relax him and make him feel good. Plus I can get another prenatal massage while we're at it. It's a win, win!

I can't tell you enough how crazy the last 9+ months have been, and don't think I would understand if someone was trying to explain it to me. You just have to experience it for yourself to know. Before this I would listen to my friends, family and coworkers talk about their pregnancies and lives going through this but it didn't really mean anything to me... I know it sounds rude but, let's be honest. In the last 9 months I changed jobs, got pregnant and bought a house. For a 20-something that's almost every significant life change all taking place in less than one year. And for a girl, like myself, who doesn't like commitment or to be tied down to anything (mentally, physically or financially) it was hard to adjust. But there's something in you, some kind of natural force or science, that just gets you through it and makes it feel "right." 

I'm still working, and will until I pop. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for this. My boss was asking me yesterday when my last day will be and I told him, "whenever I pop." He and everyone else I work with think I need to take time off before the baby. Well, you don't. My doctor actually said that continuing to work and live a normal life is better for you, because if you're not keeping yourself busy you get anxiety and stress wanting baby to arrive sooner and stress/anxiety is not good for your labor, you or the baby. So I'm just walking around with a gargantuan belly that has a mind of its own and runs into things all the time, going about my business until I can't no more. Really, you'd think after 9+ months I'd understand my size a little better. Not the case. I keep forgetting how big my belly is, it hits doors, walls, door frames, slides along counter tops and gets messes all over my shirt. It's actually pretty hilarious. Just the other day I lifted my shirt to put cocoa butter on my belly and found a Craisin stuck to it! I didn't feel it and had no clue. I ran into the living room to show Baby Daddy - we couldn't stop laughing. It's moments like these that make pregnancy pretty freaking hilarious. It's the most awkward time of your life but you can really have fun with some things. Make fun of yourself. You look ridiculous anyways. Why not laugh through your 9 months instead of barfing? I'd much rather laugh.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just When You Think You're on a Roll

So all that talk in my previous posts about how I've felt so great throughout my pregnancy... yea that's coming to an end.

First may I present to you, exhibit A. This is how my feet look and feel today:

Photo courtesy of Lists O' Plenty

I've heard that this could/would happen and happens to many other women, but I've never quite experienced swelling and soreness like this in my feet. But it doesn't stop there, it goes to your ankles and legs too! I legitimately have cankles. I'm a believer now... One of my BFFs (a human BFF, not wine) told me about this minty foot cream/lotion Target has that helps with swelling and makes your feet feel cool and better. I don't know what it's called but will check back and let you know how it works out. My mani/pedi this weekend can not come soon enough!

Second, I'm beyond exhausted. I've been slowing down more and more over the last few days but after washing, folding and putting away all of my baby's clothes I felt a new level of exhaustion I didn't know existed. I'm now at high risk of literally falling asleep anywhere, anyplace and at anytime. I feel asleep on the couch last night with all of my clothes on still, didn't even put on PJs, wash my face or brush  my teeth yet - I never do that. So needless to say, the time is near.

I really need to pull it together. We have some important people visiting our office tomorrow. The remainder of the week is busy with not just our normal work but also special lunches, dinners and meetings on the calendars with our VIP guests. I have to look and act the part so definitely need to figure out a way to pretend like I'm all good just for the next 3 days, then I can go back to my half-assed approach to waking up and getting ready for work in the mornings.

On another note, Pretty Little Liars is on tonight! I'm definitely going to take a breather from all the work and baby prep to catch up with my fave liars. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dooms Day Prepper...

Baby Daddy and I are really prepping for D-Day now. We're working on all cylinders. We work all day long then come home to cleaning, building furniture, organizing, etc. Not to mention all the appointments and calls I have to make to prep for D-Day post-baby's arrival. It's insane and I'm exhausted.

My baby shower was on Saturday and it was great. My friends and family are seriously the bomb. We got pretty much everything we needed, just a few small things we had to go get but we received lots of gift cards and those paid for all the extra stuff we needed. 

I made the decision to have one big baby shower rather than separate ones with each side of the families, friends, etc. I grew up in a divorced home, not only were my parents divorced but also my grandparents and it made holidays and family gatherings really annoying. It was like Hanukkah every Christmas with 8 different family gatherings over the holidays. I don't want that for my son, I want him to see everyone together, for him. He's bringing all these people together because they all have a common interest - their love for him. It turned out great. My family and friends and Baby Daddy's family and friends got along great, love each other and had a great time. I'm so happy I did it. I would have been way too exhausted to do more than one shower anyways, phew I was dead after the party! I felt hungover on Super Bowl Sunday!

Photo courtesy of my dear friend @meanceline because I never take pictures. I'm horrible I didn't even think to take a my camera to my baby shower! Good thing my friends are awesome and remember for me.

Speaking of Super Bowl Sunday how bomb is Beyonce? She's gorgeous. Wasn't too impressed with her performance, I've seen her do better, but I loved seeing Kelly! I really don't think Beyonce gave birth to Blue Ivy, I think she had a surrogate. It's no big deal at all though, I just hate that people lie about it. Who cares? I'd have a surrogate if A. I wasn't already pregnant and B. I could afford it. Before I got pregnant I told Baby Daddy I was going to use a surrogate, I was dead serious too. But you all know how that turned out...

So now that the shower is over and we finally have most everything we need, the nursery is coming along great. I adore it and can't wait to post pictures and share it. It's so stinking cute I can't handle it. Baby Daddy and I make a great team. I also finally picked a pediatrician for the baby, which was no easy feat. I'm crazy when it comes to doctors. My current OB/GYN is the 3rd one I finally decided on after the first 2 rubbed me the wrong way and didn't impress me.

  • Doc #1 let me know about 3 weeks into seeing her that she's just a family medicine practitioner and if anything out of the ordinary happened to me during my pregnancy/labor she'd pretty much have to "phone a friend" because she'd have no idea what she's doing since this isn't her expertise. Um... Why didnt you say that to begin with before I wasted 3 weeks with you?! I'm not going to be laying there on the delivery table waiting for her to pull out her rolodex and call in an expert - I want the damn expert!
  • Doc #2 was awkward. My first appointment with her she wanted me to do an ultrasound with this little rinky dink ultrasound machine to try and see how far along I was. After putting all the goop on my stomach and waving the wand over it, she proceeded to lean over my stomach. As she did that she got goop all over her sleeve and stethoscope then pointed at the screen and exclaimed "Oh wow there's its heartbeat, see its heartbeat?" As if she's never done this before. I was laying there thinking "This bitch is messy, she can't even keep herself together how is she going to keep me together?" Then... yes there's more. She walks out of the room and leaves the door OPEN while yelling at someone to get her something for the machine. I'm laying there all exposed with the damn door open for everyone to look inside and see my lady parts. But the way she yelled at the nurses bugged me the most. She was so rude I didn't want them taking her treatment of them out on me during one of the most terrifying times of my life. So I had to cut her too.

Doc #3 is terrific. She tells it like it is, no sugar coating, no circling around the point. She asks me questions and follows up quickly, and is very well respected in my city. She's the winner. 

I found out my health insurance covers the cost of breast feeding equipment and supplies 100%! Amazing huh? So that damn-near $300 breast pump I need will now be free, it's ugh-mazing. Next up I have a dentist appointment, mani/pedi and comfy clothes shopping spree for post-baby.

It feels great to finally be crossing things off of my to-do list. There is nothing more satisfying to me than taking a fat sharpie to a long to-do list and crossing things off. Aaaaah le sigh. I have a friend due this Friday and she's ready to pull the baby out herself! She's so cute, has everything prepped and ready, is totally calm and ready for baby other than anxiety of just getting it over with. I'm almost completely physically prepared, but I want him to wait to come out a little bit. I'm not quite to the point where I want him out immediately. Who knows I could be singing a different tune in a week or 2 but right now I feel great and just need more time. He'll be here before we know it then I will be a mother for the rest of my life, what's the rush?

In the meantime I've been reading blogs on what mothers wished they would have done before baby and making sure I do them. Here's a good one on Baby Center called Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda. I'm doing most of the things other moms recommend; getting the house ready, treating myself to shopping and spa visits and Baby Daddy and I have a few date nights lined up before our lives change forever. We're getting ready for anything, but hoping for a solid 3 weeks until the little guy decides meets us.

P.S. If you're pregnant (or have a good sense of humor) check out the Twitter hashtag #PregnantLadyProblems. Some of these ladies are hilarious and I wish I was their friend in real life.

Friday, February 1, 2013

If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all...

I have no filter, you have been forewarned.

By now everyone has heard of or seen Kim Kardashian's baby bump. Now I'm not the biggest Kardashian family fan, yes they're all gorgeous, there's no denying that. They're beautiful and as dumb as they may or may not appear on TV, in magazines, etc. they are pretty smart. I mean look how rich and famous they and are for what exactly? You have to have some sort of brain mass to create that type of empire out of thin air.

Anyways, I must say I was pretty happy to see Kim's baby bump pics, she is definitely putting on some weight and quickly. How far along is she? 
Photo Credit: Hollywood Gossip
Photo Credit: Just Jared

She can't be that far and she's already looking damn near as big as me and I'll be 9 months this Sunday! I like to compare my pregnancy size to other pregnant people. I don't know why, I know it's really weird but being told things like I "look small for 9 months" are really exciting. When you gain 30 pounds in a very short period of time you'll understand... Baby daddy high fives me when I tell him about a compliment or comment someone made, he knows it secretly makes me happy.

Anyways, hopefully that's the last Kardashian post I have, they don't need to be talked about any more than they already are. The Kimye media coverage is going to be so annoying, long and drawn out I'm already over it. Moving on!

I'm usually super stoked about the Super Bowl but for some reason this year I just don't care. Maybe because the Seahawks didn't make it (after all do you really expect to win when you give up an entire 3rd quarter to the other team and never once get possession of the ball?!!!) But other than that it's a great drinking/party day and since this year I'll be 9 months pregnant I can't drink, I'm too tired to party and Saturday is my baby shower so I just want to be home putting everything away and getting Malakai's nursery ready. Snooze fest, I know. I would totally be making fun of someone else for talking like this... But here I am being exactly the person I make fun of. Karma is biting me in the ass big time, but I don't mind it.

Work is nuts, I'm trying to get as much as humanly possible done so when I leave for maternity leave this place won't be a wreck. I have some people supporting and handling different parts but as busy as everyone is here there's just no bandwidth for folks to help out. So it'll be a little silent for 3 months when I leave. What can ya do? I really can't imagine what it's going to be like to not work for 3 months. On one side I feel like it will be pure bliss. Not working for that long sounds pretty incredible. On the other side I'm addicted to working and have never had more than a week off in my life so think this will be really groundbreaking for me. Then there's everyone that says I'll be busy enough with baby. I'm sure I will but it will be such a different kind of "busy." We will see, clearly because I'm sure I'll post about it here.

I've had a long week and my only plans tonight to prep for my long weekend is a mani and a bubble bath. Typically I'd throw some amazing bottle of wine in the mix but, for obvs reasons I won't. But I will leave you with this, the best food pyramid I've ever seen and wish they would implement right meow.

Compliments of Buzzfeed (My BFF)