Monday, January 28, 2013

Shit's Gettin Real

So I've been telling myself to start a blog for some time now. Mainly to document the funny things that happen to me on a daily basis that I couldn't even make up if I tried, and to share more with my family that live on the other side of the country. I finally took the plunge and told myself (and my 417 Twitter followers) via Tweet that I would start blogging.

Why now? What finally lit a fire under my a... behind? I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant, I work in the Public Relations industry as a PR director and I watch Pretty Little Liars. The whole pregnant thing has freaked me out, I'm petrified, I can't believe this is happening to me. Because of this I've been doing a lot of reading and research on the how-to's of pregnancy and parenting, but I was still missing key pieces of information my high-strung, anxious, stressed out self needed - how to be a mom and still lead a successful career.

I live, breathe and eat PR - have since the first day of my first internship. I don't half-ass things, I'm very A-Type, kind of a control freak/perfectionist and pretty damn strong-willed and bossy. I attribute this to the fact that I have 7 brothers and sisters and I'm in the middle so I've always had to stand out in some way to get attention. Pretty pathetic huh? Some of you may be reading this already saying "I ain't got time for that." And you probably don't, neither do I. That's why I've had little to no life since college, work has been my life. Outside of work there are few things I'm passionate about, like REALLY passionate about, to where I'd devote time and energy into it. If I'm not working I'm working out/running, playing some Seattle city intramural sport (and kicking ass at it, btw), playing with my dog (a pit bull, you will get your earful of pit bull advocacy from me if you continue to read this blog later), and/or eating and watching Pretty Little Liars (Who the eff is A?! I personally think everyone is A except the Liars...)

I'm jealous of the amazing people I know who have passions outside of their 9-5. For example my boyfriend (and baby daddy). He's an amazing free hand artist. The man can create absolutely anything. He can draw/sketch, paint, sculpt, create wooden sculptures/furniture, etc. I'll show you some of his work on here but he truly loves it. He and his brother are amazing at it. I have another friend that makes jewelry, another that is a hardcore Pinterest freak and makes amazing things all the time and another who is so creative with make-up/accessories/fashion in general it's ridiculous. I on the other have not a single creative bone in my body. I can't create anything, my handwriting sucks, I can't draw to save my life and don't get me started on Pinterest! I'll share some of my Pinterest attempts, it's pretty damn funny but people on Pinterest are liars, in my opinion.

Anyways this blog isn't necessarily dedicated to anything other than being a young 20-something trying to figure out how the heck to be a mom, have a successful career, save all the pit bulls in the world and not get fat - all at once. Many people tell me to slow down and that I can't have it all. I say just because you're a mom doesn't mean life is over... Right? I can have it all, and will at least try because I do what I want.

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